“Workstation JK” is located in Central District of Taichung City, an old neighborhood
developed during the period of Japanese rule. As time went by, the city has lost its vitality.
The site of Workstation JK used to be a shabby hybrid of factory and house. Such disarray
was a chance for us to rebuild it into a place for living and working.
The ground floor represents our life. Each time, this 100 square meter space would
accommodate a harmonious set of activities. As learned from traditional Japanese housing,
we stagger different flavor of activities to avoid discordance. This space seamlessly extends
to the nearby alleys and blocks.
The second floor adopts an open-workspace design. About 30 designers from different
teams share the broad desktop, discussing and interacting naturally. Everyone share not
only working space but design partis and resources. We hope to inspire each other and grow
up together here.
We expect that “something” happens in Workstation JK, so we create.
After many disagreements, it is precious for us to establish a collegiate atmosphere in this
pragmatic architecture industry. We value diverse and independent ideas over monopoly of
one team’s design thinking. We aspire to be a model of future architecture.
We look forward to a better future step by step.
“Workstation JK” is located in Central District of Taichung City, an old neighborhood
developed during the period of Japanese rule. As time went by, the city has lost its vitality.
The site of Workstation JK used to be a shabby hybrid of factory and house. Such disarray
was a chance for us to rebuild it into a place for living and working.
The ground floor represents our life. Each time, this 100 square meter space would
accommodate a harmonious set of activities. As learned from traditional Japanese housing,
we stagger different flavor of activities to avoid discordance. This space seamlessly extends
to the nearby alleys and blocks.
The second floor adopts an open-workspace design. About 30 designers from different
teams share the broad desktop, discussing and interacting naturally. Everyone share not
only working space but design partis and resources. We hope to inspire each other and grow
up together here.
We expect that “something” happens in Workstation JK, so we create.
After many disagreements, it is precious for us to establish a collegiate atmosphere in this
pragmatic architecture industry. We value diverse and independent ideas over monopoly of
one team’s design thinking. We aspire to be a model of future architecture.
We look forward to a better future step by step.