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How to get to Taichung

The time or distance required for various modes of transport, As described below:

Taoyuan International Airport

How to get to Taichung train station from Taoyuan International Airport?

Taoyuan International Airport ←→ HSR Taoyuan station (20 mins)

HSR Taoyuan station ←→ HSR Taichung station /New Wuri train station(40 mins) ←→ Taiwan Railway ←→ Taichung train station (15 mins)

Taoyuan International Airport ←→ take the bus to Taichung train station (1hr 50mins)

HSR Taichung station ←→ New Wuri train station (5 mins on foot) ←→ Taichung train station (15 mins)

Chaoma Bus Station ←→ Taichung train station (20mins)

Taichung Airport

How to get to Taichung train station from Taichung Airport?

Taichung Airport ←→ bus ←→ Taichung train station (50 mins)

Taichung Airport ←→ bus ←→ Chaoma Bus Station (30 mins)

Chaoma Bus Station ←→ Taichung train statio (20mins)

Kaohsiung International Airport

How to get to Taichung train station from Kaohsiung International Airport?

Kaohsiung International Airport ←→ MRT Zuoying Station / HSR Zuoying Station (15 mins)

MRT Zuoying Station ←→ Taiwan Railway(15 mins) ←→ HSR Taichung station (50 mins)

HSR Taichung station ←→ New Wuri train station (5 mins on foot) ←→ Taichung train station (15 mins)

Kaohsiung International Airport ←→ Chaoma Bus Station (1hr 50 mins)

Chaoma Bus Station ←→ bus(20 mins)

Introduction of airports and HSR in Taiwan

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

Address:No. 9, Hangzhan S. Rd., Dayuan Township, Taoyuan, Taiwan, (R.O.C.)

Service Counter:+886-3-273-5081 (T1 Departure Service Counter) +886-3-273-5086 (T2 Departure Service Counter)

Voice inquiry:+886-3-398-3728

Official website

Real-time information about international airlines

Kaohsiung International Airport

Address:No.2, Zhongshan 4th Rd., Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Service Counter:0800-090-108 (Information toll-free) +886-7-805-7630 (Domestic) +886-7-805-7631 (International)

Voice inquiry:+886-3-398-3728

Official website

Real-time information about international airlines

Taichung Airport

Address:No.168, Sec. 1, Zhonghang Rd., Shalu Dist., Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Service Counter:+886-4-2615-5000#123

Official website

Real-time information about international airlines

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