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Taiwan Cycling Festival 2016

Posted Date : 2024-09-20 4161
Taiwan Cycling Festival 2016


Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Miaoli cycling trails and Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium 


  1. Central Taiwan cyclists and hand cycling team gathering invites cyclists and hand cyclists to partake in four cycling events, “Cycling the Flora City at Ease”, “Taichung-Nantou Country Road No. 136 Battle”, “Taichung-Changhua Country Road No.139 Leisure Ride” and “Taichung-Miaoli Coastline Frenzy”.
  2. Cycling Carnival collaborates the cycling industry with product and component displays, secondhand market, health check center, etc, and also hosts fun family competition games.
  3. Marketing Campaign with overseas media and bloggers collaborates tourism industries like travel agencies, airline and hotels. Overseas media and bloggers are invited to get a first-hand in-depth experience enjoying the completeness and convenience of Taichung cycling trails. 
  4. Taiwan-Japan Cycling Exchange facilitates the vibrant tourism exchanges between Taichung City and Oita City. Cycling activities are arranged to promote cycling trails in both cities.
  5. Issue of “Central Taiwan Cycling Passport” promotes cycling tourism in central Taiwan with eight elaborately arranged themed cycling routes in central Taiwan. Promotions are made in collaboration with shops and relative cycling industries in the area. 


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