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Taichung Tourism


Children’s Favorite Animal Party Lantern! The Attractive “Carnival of the Animals”

Posted Date : 2020-02-11 2027

The main exhibition area of the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival will be open between February 8th and 23rd at the Houli Flora Expo Park. The area of “the Carnival of the Animals” located in the horse farm will be transformed into a big animal party featuring not only the 15-meter high dinosaur but also the meerkat in bikini, the 12 theme areas and 133 sets of geometric lanterns to build Taiwan’s largest animal lantern zoo.

 Deputy Mayor Bruce J.D. Linghu especially invites domestic and international visitors to come to “the Carnival of the Animals” to enjoy the music, the party and the unique atmosphere.

The Bureau of Tourism and Travel today (the 3rd) organized the press conference to introduce “the Carnival of the Animals.” Deputy Mayor Linghu said the venue consists of nine outdoor exhibition areas and three indoor ones and animals move at a certain period of time and dance with the music in the carnival. Issues including global warming and species extinction are also integrated to give educational meaning to the Festival. The whole lantern area is interesting and informative. Taichung City welcomes all visitors to “the Carnival of the Animals” for fun and wonderful music.

According to the Bureau of Tourism and Travel, “the Carnival of the Animals” area is created by the senior lantern artist, Mr. Jian-er, born in Taichung and serving as the advisor and supervisor. He works with Taiwan’s well-known lantern manufacturing company, Ying Tan Da Lantern International Co., Ltd. The animal lantern zoo created for the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival presents dynamic exhibition at, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, and 21:00 for the duration of 3 minutes and 10 seconds. All animals will nod their heads and wave their hands to greet visitors in the Carnival.

The dynamic music performance is the work done by the young sound artist, Ping Sheng Wu from noiseKitchen Art Co., Ltd. who has been frequently invited to perform in “the Digital Art Festival Taipei” and has been awarded with the first prize in the 2015 6th Digital Art Festival Taipei. The music design of “the Carnival of the Animals” is created fun and quick rhythm of electric sound for the unique music carnival.

The lantern exhibition area is curated under four cores: “biological knowledge,” “fun entertainment,” “craft technology” and “visual aesthetics” with interesting, visualizing, or reflective theme planning. It is hoped that visitors will value the land more after visiting the Festival. Additionally, there are exhibitions of rush craft of the Happy Community Development Association of the Dajia District of Taichung City and scientific photography of the National Museum of Natural Science featuring local and concept heritage to inspire new visions for visitors to the Festival.

The Bureau of Tourism and Travel pointed out that 12 themes including “Jurassic World,” “Undersea World,” “the Tip of Iceberg” and “Electric Music Party in the Jungle” are on exhibit up to 133 sets of geometric animal lanterns such as the movable pre-historical dinosaur, the lion and animals in beautiful masks and polar animals that address issues of environmental protection. The popular meerkat belly dancer and electric music party of jaguars in the jungle present the most passionate lantern exhibition to the visitors.

Legislators Yang Chiung-ying, Councilman, Liu Shi-chou, Wang Chao-kun and Chen Bian-tian and the Director General of Bureau of Tourism and Travel, Lin Shiau-chi, attended tonight’s event to welcome visitors to the Taichung for the Festival


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