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Taichung Tourism


To Prevent from Coronavirus Infection, the Taichung City Government Sets up Measures

Posted Date : 2020-02-11 1655
To Prevent from Coronavirus Infection

In order to improve prevention from coronavirus infection, the Tourism and Travel Bureau of Taichung City Government after January 22, today (the 30) re-issued official letters to 510 operators of the hospitality industry in Taichung City and dispatched personnel to conduct inspections one by one to request practitioners to measure head temperature of each guest who stays with them.

If anyone is found to have a fever, he/she shall be inquired of his/her travel history. If the history is linked to coronavirus infection, an immediate report shall be filed. Signs shall also be set up to inform guests of health management including washing hands with soap and wearing a mask if they are coughing. The hospitality industry shall also report immediately any guest with syndromes of fever, coughing or shortness of breath.

According to the Director General of the Tourism and Travel Bureau, Lin Shiau-chi, in order to prevent coronavirus infection, the Taichung City Government on January 22 before the Chinese Lunar New Year convened the responsive work meeting by Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen in person and announced the establishment of the second-tier command center and the Bureau on the same day sent the official letters to the hospitality association to inform its members to enhance prevention of the spread of the disease and to file an immediate report of suspected infection cases.

On January 26, the second day of Chinese Lunar New Year, the Bureau again informed the hospitality industry in Taichung to wear masks and wash hands often to enhance self-health management. During the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Bureau each day used LINE to inform the hospitality association of the updated information for prevention of the disease and to ask for their cooperation in disease prevention. Additionally, the Bureau also assists the hospitality industry to their preparation of resources for the disease prevention.

Director General Lin said the side exhibition area of Taiwan Lantern Festival in Wenxin Forest Park was open on December 21 last year and the main exhibition area in Houli Flora Export Park will be officially launched on February 8 and to respond to the arrival of huge crowds, the Taichung City Government will make the best preparation for the disease prevention. Mayor Lu led her city officials visited the side exhibition area for the inspection of disease prevention.

Since January 22, in addition to promote health education among the staff, hand cleaners, hand sanitizers, forehead thermometers have also been provided. The nursing station has also been set up for visitors who do not feel comfortable for initial syndrome screening.

Furthermore, for the opening of main exhibition area of Taiwan Lantern Festival, the staff in each zone is given educational training, literature promotion and resources of disease prevention and the preparation work will be completed before the test operations (on February 5).

For tourism practitioners who serve at the front line for visitors, Director General Lin on January 26 inspected several visitor service centers including Taichung Train Station, Taichung Airport and Shigang Tourist Service Center in person for the enhancement of disease prevention and requested the front-line workers to wear surgical masks, wash their hands and work on their own health management. They shall also incorporate with disinfection measure and cleaning frequency. Hand sanitizer has been provided for the use of visitors.

Additionally, various tourism destinations such as Dongfeng Bike Lane, Houfeng Bike Lane, and Dakeng Hiking Trail were posted with promotion information to ensure health and safety of visitors to Taichung.


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